The street where I live...

The street where I live...

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Bag Blogger

So what have learned about blogging thus far? ... number one lesson: it's really easy to forget you've started a blog.

My life is so full I catch myself complaining much more often that I should.  All parents have very busy lives.  We all have ample reason to complain.  We are being pulled at and judged and challenged daily, by the hour, every single damned second.  Parenting is hard work.  But, knowing that we're all in the same boat doesn't make me feel any less sorry for myself.  I still wallow in the self-pity on occasion.

So, my bad blogging excuse is this: I'm busy!  I have writing contracts to get to, I have a new show to write and rehearse, I have one room and then another whole building still to unpack (we moved into our new house EIGHT months ago!!!!), I have a mom-in-law living with us who needs much help, I have the endless soul-crushing cycle of housework, I have a studio to set up (my lifelong dream of having my own art/writing studio has been realized and I can't even get over there to set it up), I have one on one time with my kids that I am determined to get to at least once a day... AND I HAVE TWINS!!!!

I still consider this to be my "secret" blog, as I have yet to post a link, or tell anyone other than my husband that I am doing this.  But yesterday, after several days of forgetting I have a blog, I checked my stats and saw that a few people have popped over to visit here, so this little post is my way of saying: perhaps soon I will decide to tell my friends about this, but for now, readers I do not know, thanks for showing up and I'm sorry for being a delinquent blogger.

I will try to do better.

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