The street where I live...

The street where I live...

Sunday, 6 May 2012


End of week musings:

1. Tonight's moon is the brightest full moon in like, a really long time.  I just went out onto my parents' balcony and had a boo and yep, it is very bright and moony.  And it has been making me a crazy woman all week so I will be happy to kiss its big bright moon ass goodbye.

2. I went on a field trip with the group of actors I am currently directing.  We went to Government House, home of the Lieutenant Governor.  The house is a damn mansion and it was awesome but made me want to live at least some small part of my life as a rich person, and I suspect this will never come to pass.  Bummer.

3. I live in dread that my beautiful girls will one day fall prey to the horrid, pervasive, overwhelming pressure to find value in themselves based wholly on how they look, and yet I spent all day trying to figure out if I will ever be able to get plastic surgery to fix all the shit I hate about the way I look.

3. It's my blog and I can have two number threes if I want to.

4. It is way too hard to see a kid in pain.  Especially if it's your own kid.

5. Mommy tucks should be covered by medicare.  Especially if you've had multiples.

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